Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Resurrection is Just a Death Away.

We all want a miracle, but will avoid tragedy at any cost,
  We all want to find our way, but won't admit were lost.

We all want to be included, but won't go through the gate,
  We all want the rest, but won't lay with our eternal mate.

We all want the healing, but can't admit we're ill,
  We all want to hear God, but we won't sit still.

We all need  the life guard, but hide the fact we can't float,
We all want a love letter, but we won't read what He wrote.

We all want the change, but are unwilling to repent,
We  all want release, but refuse to relent.

We all want the life, but we are unwilling to slay,
  Beloved, your resurrection is just a death away.

Fade to Tan

I do has turned to I'm done,
  I guess I just wasn't the one.

The little one will just have to deal
  Cause you can't live with how you feel.

You said yes with your heart believing,
  That faith is gone, now you are leaving.

I've prayed, cried, and done what I can,
  The white line fades to tan.