Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Double-Sided Coin

Delay does not calm fears,  
  It grows anxiety.
However pious your intentions,
  The result is never piety.

Broken is as broken does,
  I am broken inside out.
Rusty thoughts and an oiled tongue,
  Carries little clout.

So where does love fit into things,
  If seeing is believing?
Being gotten... then forgotten,
  And watching the getter leaving.

So why the double-sided coin?
  A story ends one way.
No matter who leaves, or where they've gone,
  Christ is the one who'll stay.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The views of the slighted, have always been slanted,
  The proof of the claim is the orchard that's planted.
Time and pride are needed to skew,
  The straightest and narrowest view.
And the shoulder-sprites love to dangle,
  Having your way from some new angle.
So how do you know your view is true, 
  When the biggest liar you know is you.
Arrogance... ignorance or a roll of the dice?
  Or... you could just ask for advice. 

Friday, August 8, 2008

Appetite for Forgiveness

If  you really want it, it is always there,
  You have to believe it enough to give it away.
You have to be willing to let go of excuses,
  You have to be willing to let someone else pay. 

You have to realize who's really been wronged,
  Accept His justice on others and on you.
You have to embrace the release,
  As something you say and something you do.


Me, Myself and I AM

Lonely, lonely, woe is me,
  For some, bondage... others free.
Sometimes, silence is din,
  Others, its were thoughts begin.

Alone time and me time... they aren't the same,
  One is selected the other is lame.
How to be lonely if never forsaken,
  You cannot have tasted, what you have not partaken.

Always there? I can't touch it or taste it. 
  Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean you can't waste it!
So what can I do, in my time with just I?
  Realizing "by myself" is really a lie.

Alone but not lonely, faith is the key,
  When belief grow eyes, then you'll see...

Not In Heaven

Pearl gates, golden roads and amps that go to eleven,
  A room in the mansion, and things in lots of seven.
No tissues or Q-tips or diaper rash cream,
  No receipts, or coupons or opposing team.
No contracts, or cataracts or strange competitions,
  No alarm clocks or time cards or late submissions.
No death, no credit cards, no crap to the gills,
  Just the constant of the Son on our window sills.
No tuning or warm ups, just praising and singing,
 Every note in harmony ringing.
I cannot imagine what heaven will be,
  From ourselves and this world we'll be free.
Pearl gates, gold roads... amps that go to eleven,
  No butt-holes or bellybuttons in Heaven.

I Was Made

I wasn't made to grow old,
 I was made for seasons untold.
I wasn't created for running away,
 I was made for morning walks each day.
I wasn't designed for plowing and weeding,
 I was made for looking up and needing
I wasn't made for sinning, or bearing it's weight
 I was made to reflect He who is great. 
I wasn't made to keep my maker at bay,
 Good thing eternity's just a last breath away.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Hardest Part of Waiting

The hardest part of waiting,
 Is the work of not hating,
And my prayers aren't making a sound.

Worn out an haggard,
 Back is be-daggered,
But you want one more round.

So fill up the glass,
 And give it a pass,
I'll empty before it's set down.

The gates your decision,
 Still locked by derision,
One foot in the safe side of town.

The freedom you seek,
 Is pricey, so to speak,
The cost is the peace (piece?) of your soul.

All the burning inside,
 Could be quenched by the tide.
He is all you need to be whole.

Won't you join me at His table? 


I think I need some clarity,
 On this thing called self aware-ity

It seems there is oblivity,
 To the real me.

My self mirrored perception,
 Is really just deception.

And it's all relative,
  Unless you're talkative.

Then your just a cartoon,
 A living caricature buffoon.

Oh.... I'm entertaining,
 Until I am annoying.

Then secret clock-glances,
 And impatient stances...

... I guess I'll shut up now. 

Sleep - Part 2

How do you sleep?
 There is no rhythm or rhyme,
It's one pill at a time.
 It's something distilled,
Sweetened and chilled. 

How do you sleep?
 Eyes shut tight still knowing,
Wrath's light is still glowing.
 The morning brews already started,
What wasn't together cannot be parted

How do you sleep?
 Always yawning, rest awaiting,
With my mate but never mating.
 Gears are grinding,
Mind replaying, rewinding.

How do you sleep?
 Now I lay me down to sleep,
Confessions of a careless creep. 
 To my knees I leap,
Broken heart is let to weep.

This is how I sleep.

Sleep - Part 1

How did he sleep?
 In the dark, in the dank,
In the muck and the stank.
 Stale air is parted with a sigh,
Without reverence to what draws night

How did he sleep?
 On a cloak and a coat,
A ball and chain was his tote.
 The bunkmates a sleeper,
And also his keeper.

How did he sleep?
 Angelic hands touch side,
Nudge... kick... eyes open wide.
 Gather and go... am I awake?
Outer gate slams... JAILBREAK!

How did he sleep?
 Much ado, much ado,
Said the whole crew.
 But the kneeling man said,
You are touched in the head.

How did he SLEEP?.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Thoughts on Desire

The dog says I'm starving, 
  Feed me, feed me.
If I starve, I'll die,
  You know you need me.

If you don't feed me,
 I'll wane, I'll be dead.
I'm as fat as I am,
  'Cause you've fed, fed, fed

I don't care!
 I just want to be sated.
I don't care what it is,
  Or if it's been plated.

So pony up and feed me,
 It's everywhere to be found.
It's on a silver platter,
 And it's lying on the ground.

C'MON, I'm hungry!
 Treat me like you care.
If I starve, I'll be too weak,
 To let you know I'm there.

And if that's what you want,
 That's fine, you'll see.
I'll always be that skinny dog,
  begging, feed me... feed me...