Monday, December 29, 2008

My side of the Bed

The gavel has been struck, the Judges ink is dry.
  So many questions that start with why.

The tear ducts are dry, and the lawyers been paid,
  I say I don't miss you but I wish you'd stayed.

I make myself numb to emotions half dead,
  But I still sleep on my side of the bed.

I haven't gone anywhere without you yet,
  Sometimes I think the worst of me is the best I can get.

I feel like a fool, I'm my own biggest liar,
  All our vows and promises are ashes in a fire.

Self pity doesn't pay the bills, it doesn't even cover rent,
  Desire is a sinkhole, you heart is what gets lent.

That's right, a sink hole... gaping, hungry, cold.
   It takes the length right out of time and leaves you feeling old.

How do I get it in reverse, and back up my mistakes,
  When my mind is full of recipies for divorce celebration cakes?

There are two minds within me, they fight, they war they win.
  When the cross is my only view, is when healing begins.